Shiori & Friends

Silver Medalist
at the 16th Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Master Competition, 2021
In May 2021, Shiori Kuwahara won the silver medal at the 16th Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Competition. She was supposed to stay for a tour around Israel, but the security situation at the time forced her to shorten her stay and leave Israel before she could perform all the concerts planned for her. Since then, Shiori has been very busy performing, especially in Japan, where she has gained much recognition. Now she is returning to perform in Israel. During her visit, Shiori will play three concerts in which she will play from the following works:
14 July 2022, 20:00
Michael Sela Auditorium, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot
The recital will be followed by a conversation with the pianist.
15 July 2022, 12:00
Studio Annette, 2 Shvil Hameretz, Tel – Aviv
The concert will feature pianist Dr. Michal Tal, who will play with Kuwahara in four hands, and two students from the International Piano Festival in Arad.
18 July 2022, 21:00
Arad Conservatory, 55 Hen St, Arad
Arad International piano festival- PianoFest Arad