- The 17th Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Master Competition will take place from 14 March to 1 April 2023, in Tel Aviv, Israel.
- The Competition is open to pianists of all nationalities.
- Applicants shall be between 18 and 32 years of age, within the calendar year of the Competition.
- All applications must be submitted online via GETACCEPTED.COM, according to the instructions given in “How to Apply” (see Section VIII).
- All complete applications will be screened by the Screening Committee.
- Candidates who studied with a Jury member (not including Master Classes) after 1 August 2022 shall not be allowed to compete.
- All stages of the Competition will be open to the public.
Duration of performance: 35-40 minutes
Duration of performance: 50-60 minutes
The Competitor may choose the repertoire and decide the playing order of the recital program in Stages I and II, but must include, either in Stage I and/or in Stage II, each of the following:
- One of the three pieces written by Israeli composers Yaron Gottfried, Marc Lavri and Tal Haim Samnon.
Duration of each piece: 8 – 10 minutes.
The Competitor must choose one of the following:
B) Classical CONCERTO
The Competitor must choose one of the following:
The Competitor must choose one of the following:
- The Competitor shall choose editions that adhere to the original text.
- All pieces must be performed from memory, except for the Chamber Music.
- The Competitor shall play only those pieces which she/he has stated on the online Application Form. No changes will be permitted after 5 January 2023.
- Accurate timings of all pieces chosen must be indicated on the online Application Form.
- The Competitor must ensure that the time limits stipulated for Stages I and II in the Competition Rules, shall not be exceeded.
- Competitors who adhere to the given time limits will not be interrupted.
- The pieces may be performed with or without repeats, at the Competitor’s discretion.
- No work shall be repeated at any stage of the Competition.
- The Competitor may add an encore of not more than 3 minutes, in all stages of the Competition. The duration of the optional encore is in addition to the given time frames
- All prizes will be awarded unless the Jury unanimously decides not to award one or more of the prizes.
- In case of a tie, the Jury may decide to split a prize between two competitors.
- All decisions of the Jury shall be final and cannot be appealed.
- All prizes and/or earnings are subject to taxation in accordance with the Israeli tax regulations.
Full copyright is held by the Arthur Rubinstein Society and/or its assignees and licensees.
All stages of the Competition may be broadcast and streamed live and may be recorded and videotaped for subsequent broadcast, video, DVD audio recording or equivalent or any other format/media use. It is anticipated that CD recordings of selected Competition performances will be commercially produced, that a documentary of the Competition incorporating selected performances might be produced for television, and that the Competition will be made available on the internet and / or an equivalent media. Camera crews may photograph all Competition events.
Neither the Arthur Rubinstein Society nor its assignees or licensees may be held liable for any payments to pianists arising out of materials derived from Competition performances.
The Arthur Rubinstein Society will reimburse up to USD500 to each Competitor, to partly cover his/her flight ticket.
Each Competitor will be provided with hotel accommodation on a half-board basis, from two days prior to the commencement of Stage I through the period of his/her participation in the Competition.
Each hotel room will be equipped with a practice piano.
- All applications must be submitted online via https://app.getacceptd.com/arims
- Application will commence on 1 February 2022 and must be submitted by 1 June 2022.
- All documents must be submitted in English. If the original is in a different language, an English translation must be attached to the original.
- Only complete applications will be considered.
- All documents listed below (a – k) must be uploaded through the online application.
- Confirmation of receipt of the online application is immediate.
- Notification of acceptance or non-acceptance to the competition will be sent to applicants by email no later than 1 November 2022.
- Copies of the Israeli compositions will be sent to competitors by 15 November 2022.
Requisite documents
a. Birth certificate or any other official document establishing the age of the applicant.
b. Biography (curriculum vitae) which should include details of musical activity.
c. List of performances, solo and with orchestras, including names of orchestras, conductors, venues and dates.
d. Articles, reviews, press releases etc.
e. List of awards received in national and international competitions, including relevant documents.
f. Certificate of studies, including names of teachers.
g. Letter/s of recommendation from applicant’s current or most recent institution of musical studies and/or teachers.
h. Letters from musicians of international standing, specifically recommending participation in the Competition.
i. A high-resolution photograph.
j. Registration fee: a non-refundable fee of USD 175.
k. Important! A formal document from the tax authorities of the country of the applicant’s residence, confirming that he/she pays taxes there. All prizes and/or earnings are subject to taxation in accordance with the Israeli Tax regulations.